Here we will walk through the steps you must take during the fostering process. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions that aren't answered here.



Registering Interest (Enquiry)

After talking with one of the team we take some brief information and if appropriate will arrange a home visit.

The Initial Visit

All enquirers are visited during the initial stages, and their suitability and motivation to foster is assessed, prior to invitation to apply.

These visits are a two-way discussion and are conducted by a qualified social worker or manager experienced and skilled in the recruitment of foster carers.

During the visit we give information about the process, we are transparent about the level of information that is required before anyone can be approved as a foster carer.

From the outset potential carers are actively involved in the process to assist them in deciding if fostering is right for them.

Information will also be provided about the “Caregiving and emotional warmth” model of fostering which we have integrated into our approach.

We are always open about our expectations and how we will support people in achieving these.


Following the visit if appropriate the potential carer /foster family will be asked to complete and submit an Application form online. This also has the request for permission to undertake all the checks that are required in Stage 1 of the process. For example, references, (some referees will be visited) enhanced police checks (known as DBS), Medical reports, Local Authority checks, current employment references will be undertaken and checks on all members of the household over 16.

You may also complete the application form attached to this website and we will arrange a home visit from there.

Preparation Training

Prospective carers attend an initial training event called the “Skills to Foster”. Qualified staff, a young person who has been in care and foster carer facilitate this. 

During stage 2 prospective carers will be offered online training and asked to attend additional training events to look at a “Secure base and emotional warmth” approach.




Following satisfactory checks we will assign a qualified Social worker to undertake a comprehensive assessment with the prospective carer and his/her family. The information gathered will complete the BAAF F. form assessment report. (British Association of Adoption and Fostering)

This assessment usually requires the Social worker to undertake a minimum of 20 hours direct contact with the family over a period of approximately 8 to 12 weeks and progress during this time is monitored by the registered manager.

This assessment report will cover; individual profiles of the applicants; existing and any previous relationships, children in the household; any adults living independently, description of family life; valuing diversity, and parenting capacity and skills (you do not have to have your own children to become a foster carer).

Prospective cares have access to all the information and sign the assessment report once completed.


Our panel is made up of a variety of people with diverse experience in the childcare field. Members include representatives from Health, Education, Therapy, Fostering, Care Leavers, Social Work and Police.

In addition, there are non-voting members: panel advisor and the panel administrator.

The members on the panel are independent and ensure a positive and rigorous process.

The panel in addition to making recommendations on approval, has a quality assurance function and provides an annual report and regular feedback on the development of the organization and the quality of the assessments.

Prospective foster carers and the social worker who undertook the assessment attend the panel and will be asked questions regarding their application and assessment and to provide more detailed information/clarification if necessary.


The panel then make a recommendation regarding approval which is then passed to the agency decision maker (ADM) with whom the final approval decision rests.

The Agency Decision Maker is a qualified Senior Social Worker.

Prospective carers will be informed verbally immediately and the decision confirmed within 10 days.